Looking for a better future CSR Policy:
CSR Policy:
Delve into our CSR Policy to understand how we are striving to ensure we not only focus on internal business success but on also making a positive impact on the world and people around us, so we want to highlight the following points:
• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Passionelle supports the company’s mission to power an inclusive future that benefits our employees, Society, and our country.
• We deliver a Mentoring scheme designed to support our people achieve their goals.
• Our Sustainability Committee meets monthly and is comprised of both senior stakeholders and employee elected representatives – their mission is to drive progressive change within the business and to have a positive impact on People, Planet and Society.
• We are committed to fostering an environment of open, honest and respectful methods of communication and have invested in a whistleblowing tool to enable our people to anonymously report in confidence.
• We promise to continually educate our employees on the impacts of climate change through our weekly Eco watch emails.
• We have implemented an Ethical Marketing Policy aimed at minimizing our environmental footprint and leveraging our global voice to encourage best practices within manufacturing sector.
• Environmental Sustainability: Sustainability and protecting the environment are a Passionelle priority.
• We announced some Scholarship for the financially incapable students during the past five years.